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Showing posts from March, 2019

Simplify 🔤

As adults, we often overcomplicate parts of life.  We stress out over things that matter in the moment, but won't matter three months from now.  Is it awesome to get straight A's on your report card?  Yes, it is!  Is it the end of the world if you get one B?  No, it's not.  I think sometimes as adults we sit and focus on that one B and forget about the seven other A's on the page at the end of a school year. Today, as I panicked with only six days remaining until my very first Concert Assessment/MPA performance as a director, my brain was essentially the SpongeBob Clip you see below. I did NOT forget my name, but the vision of my brain on fire, trying to make everything perfect, came into my head today.  There are days I feel like floundering.  Today, I shared that clip, and the animated gif that goes along with it, with my students.  Most laughed, or liked the image, and/or understood what I was going through; however, one student...

Status Quo & Joy ✨

Anyone who grew up watching High School Musical will instantly recognize the phrase "Status Quo."  There's no getting around it -- I am different from everyone I interact with on a daily basis.  I don't just mean in age either.  There are little nuances in my personality, quirky ways I execute tasks, and nerdy tendencies I display in conversations that make me who I am (just to name 3 of about a million or so). As humans, we so often chase after being like everyone else.  But, why?  Believe me, I'm preaching to myself here too.  Why do we want to be like "such and such," who is/was great at "such and such?"  "Well that's an easy question," you might respond.  "It is because he or she is/was great at whatever he or she does/did!"  My rebuttal to that rebuttal is... if people just copy the greats who came before them, the world would never progress or get marginally better at anything AND history would repeat itself. A...