As I write this post, I realize that this is the beginning of many new chapters in the journey of my life. I just hopped off a plane from teaching my very first drum corps camp ever, my second semester of teaching band begins on Tuesday, and I turn a quarter of a century years young on Friday.
All of that said, I thought it would be time to open up a new medium to share my thoughts with those who follow me. By no means to do I feel like I'm the most interesting person in the world, but in the same way that I share vlogs, I feel that I also have words, stories, and longer deeper monologues to type out that could benefit future educators, those in music, or just individuals who need to be encouraged. The topics contained here are those that I do not feel would best be suited for a vlog style video. So... here we grow!
I've been reading a lot more in 2019 than I have been in any of my adult years. Currently, I'm reading a book that I think everyone could benefit from reading: "I Declare War: Four Keys to Winning the Battle with Yourself" by Levi Lusko. Levi is a pastor at a church out in Montana and is big into writing, and sharing Jesus with the world. All of that being said, his book is one that is genuine and from the heart while also being an easy read. It takes what you know and presents it in a light that makes you rethink the typical. It's helped me keep a positive attitude and a hold on my thoughts and tongue as I continue through my day-to-day life. I'm only about halfway through, and I cannot wait to get more quiet time to read the next chapter. It is no substitute for the Bible, (for all of those that follow this set of beliefs) but instead a nice little book of ideas that are backed by Biblical foundations. Levi is one of the most entertaining pastors I've ever seen preach (go watch a sermon on YouTube now for proof). He's so relevant while still delivering 100% true scripture. He's brilliant in so many ways! Pick up this book if this sort of thing floats your boat.
Next on the agenda is the title of this blog post (yes, blog NOT vlog). It is actually the title of a song by "For King & Country" on their new album "Burn the Ships." This is another album that I currently can't stop listening to on Spotify. It inspires, gives me fresh ideas and heavenly rejuvenation every time press play. "Fight On Fighter," is sort of my theme song at the moment. In a world that is toxic and burdensome, it's nice to hear that what actions I take, the mindset I have, and the words I say all have meaning. Despite the pushback from the world, or individuals, we must fight on. "Don't let anyone steal your fire; cause the spirit is alive inside ya." I'll keep pushing back, head lifted high, singing, knowing what I know in my heart is correct at my job, at home, or elsewhere.
Lastly, let's talk about changes in life. Our day-to-day can be so monotonous, and predictable. It's nice to shake things up a bit every once in awhile. That was this weekend for me. I met many quite talented, YOUNG educators and individuals I now call friends. It's amazing how less than 48 hours can change your outlook on so many different feelings and life in general. I now have renewed vigor and grit to go back to work despite working tirelessly all weekend teaching MORE music; when I should be drained, I feel more inspired than ever. It was like getting a breath of fresh air with a new team in a new setting. This summer will be a great one, I know it.
Second semester awaits, new challenges and experiences arise, and I'm so excited to get back to work. I'm ready to continue turning over a new leaf in my life and in the lives of my students. "Light a match, leave the past, burn the ships, and don't you look back." Here. We. Grow. Watch out world, Mr. Ankeny is rising. Until next time, we'll catch you guys later!
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