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Resolutions 🎆

Resolution:  the firm decision to do or not to do something. Welcome to 2020!  It's been awhile since I've had the pleasure of blogging, but now that we are in second semester I finally found a brief second to type a little something.  This posting is probably less for you, the reader, and more for me; I need to speak thoughts, write them down, and continue on with my day-to-day! For those that have missed it, I have moved back home to the lovely Bassett, Virginia and have taken a job at Franklin County High School as the Director of Bands.  Leaving Panther Creek was not an easy decision by any stretch of the imagination.  If you really want more details about why and how I left, there's a YouTube video I made somewhere that you can watch.  I value every lesson, every friendship, and every memory made there, but I was called home for many reasons, and it's never been more apparent to me than now. To be real, my father has been in the hospital since t...
Recent posts

Scars ⚡️

Sadness is a daunting subject to write about.  That's for sure.  Sadness is something we feel as we grow up; perhaps we lose our favorite toy growing up, or a pet that is near and dear to us runs away from home.  While we may weep for a season, it usually passes, and we grow, get stronger, and move on with life. But what about the moments that are so hurtful they leave scars?  The kind of life events that shape us forever; we might put up walls, or change our behavior drastically.  That's the kind of event I need to vaguely talk about today. I've eluded to it many times before in writing, but there's one particular event in my life that changed me, molded me, created a wound that took YEARS to heal into an ugly scar.  I want to preface talking about this by stating I am not perfect.  I never was, I never will be.  She wasn't either. I've only been truly, romantically, in love once in my life.  I was a senior in high school, and sh...

Simplify 🔤

As adults, we often overcomplicate parts of life.  We stress out over things that matter in the moment, but won't matter three months from now.  Is it awesome to get straight A's on your report card?  Yes, it is!  Is it the end of the world if you get one B?  No, it's not.  I think sometimes as adults we sit and focus on that one B and forget about the seven other A's on the page at the end of a school year. Today, as I panicked with only six days remaining until my very first Concert Assessment/MPA performance as a director, my brain was essentially the SpongeBob Clip you see below. I did NOT forget my name, but the vision of my brain on fire, trying to make everything perfect, came into my head today.  There are days I feel like floundering.  Today, I shared that clip, and the animated gif that goes along with it, with my students.  Most laughed, or liked the image, and/or understood what I was going through; however, one student...

Status Quo & Joy ✨

Anyone who grew up watching High School Musical will instantly recognize the phrase "Status Quo."  There's no getting around it -- I am different from everyone I interact with on a daily basis.  I don't just mean in age either.  There are little nuances in my personality, quirky ways I execute tasks, and nerdy tendencies I display in conversations that make me who I am (just to name 3 of about a million or so). As humans, we so often chase after being like everyone else.  But, why?  Believe me, I'm preaching to myself here too.  Why do we want to be like "such and such," who is/was great at "such and such?"  "Well that's an easy question," you might respond.  "It is because he or she is/was great at whatever he or she does/did!"  My rebuttal to that rebuttal is... if people just copy the greats who came before them, the world would never progress or get marginally better at anything AND history would repeat itself. A...

Isolated Thoughts 🧩

This week on "Being an Assistant Band Director," I was observed, sternly talked to, and praised for great work.  It's been a rollercoaster of a week (that's every week, but especially this week).  It's at times like these, and weeks like these, where my thoughts and words can together either figuratively strangle me or raise me up to new heights. I try to reflect on every experience that happens in my life; I want to learn how I can grow from each little nugget of information.  While doing this in my teaching profession is something that comes naturally, it is more difficult to do this within my personal life. It's news to literally no one at this point that I live alone (I have for the past seven months).  Isolation can do a lot of things to our brains.  It can be a great break from the stressors of our day-to-day life.  I love nothing more than to come home to an apartment exactly the way I left it and plop down on the couch, knowing I have no one...

Not Quite as Planned... 🕔

Life has a funny way of dealing us an unexpected hand.  As most of you know, I'm now an Assistant High School Band Director.  Like many folks, this wasn't always the plan I had in mind as I grew up. In my very early years I had an OBSESSION with trains, as many young boys do!   Thomas the Tank Engine was my favorite show; I had the model trains from the show in wood AND metal forms, and many other train accessories.  It even got to the point where I made my parents chase trains around the neighborhood until they disappeared from sight.  I made train sounds, impersonated trains from Thomas, and went on trips to see train museums  —  I was obsessed.  If you had asked me, back then (around 4 or 5 years old), what I wanted to do with my life, I would have told you that I wanted to grow up and become a train conductor or driver.  That plan stayed for awhile too! Fast forward to the end of elementary school.  At this point, camcorders (ye...

"Fight On, Fighter" 🔥

As I write this post, I realize that this is the beginning of many new chapters in the journey of my life.  I just hopped off a plane from teaching my very first drum corps camp ever, my second semester of teaching band begins on Tuesday, and I turn a quarter of a century years young on Friday. All of that said, I thought it would be time to open up a new medium to share my thoughts with those who follow me.  By no means to do I feel like I'm the most interesting person in the world, but in the same way that I share vlogs, I feel that I also have words, stories, and longer deeper monologues to type out that could benefit future educators, those in music, or just individuals who need to be encouraged.  The topics contained here are those that I do not feel would best be suited for a vlog style video.  So... here we grow! I've been reading a lot more in 2019 than I have been in any of my adult years.  Currently, I'm reading a book that I think everyone cou...